Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Nature provides enough to satisfy every man's need" - Mahatma Gandhi


   Science has played a very important role in transforming the society. That’s why every October, people tend to celebrate Science month so that everyone must be aware of the truth behind our destroyed nature and to empower every individual to lessen the destruction of our nature. The question is, do people truly aware what is happening in our mother earth known as nature?
          As we all know, our nature is gradually destroyed because of people’s performance. People burn forests, throw garbage and pollution around. Man is destroying nature by depleting natural resources and cutting down trees. Animals are also part of nature; many species of animals are already disappearing, again, because of people’s doing. They haunt animals then try to eat or kill those. After finding out the causes why nature is destroyed, Science Clubbers seek to find answer to solve the problems of nature. But nature cannot help itself alone to be back to normal. To make the nature be cleaned, Science Clubbers must be the one to attain the nature back. People must plant trees, throw waste into their proper places; lessen using vehicles that steam smoke and stop mining that causes landslides. If everyone will do these practices daily, there will a chance to return the nature back to normal.
          As what Mahatma Gandhi said, “Nature provides enough to satisfy every man’s need”. This quotation tells us that we need to take good care of our nature because here we can get out physiological needs that will make man alive

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